Iran Sanctions Update

Iran Sanctions Update,The United States pulls out of the Iran deal and reimposes secondary sanctions against Iran.

US Lifts Secondary Sanctions on Iran

On January 16, 2016 the US government (OFAC) announced the lifting of US nuclear-related (secondary) economic sanctions on Iran. OFAC also issued a general license to authorize certain transactions relating to foreign

Sanctions Against Iran (2013-2014)

Iran Sanctions Update, November 29, 2013: P5+1 and Iran Agreement, Some Easing of Sanctions. PDF Iran Sanctions Update, January 21, 2014: US and EU Temporary Suspension of Sanctions – Iran Documents: Eren Lawyers –

US Iran Sanctions Laws 07/2010 – 08/2012

The United States has supplemented Iran sanctions laws in force since 1995 (the Iranian Transactions Regulations, the Weapons of Mass Destruction and Proliferation Sanctions Regulations, and their underlying Executive Orders,