At the Eren Law Firm, we represent and advise clients in corporate and financial transactions. Our seasoned legal team also supports clients before U.S. state and federal courts, arbitral tribunals, and regulatory agencies in the US, such as the Departments of State, Commerce, Treasury, Justice, New York State Department of Financial Services, and Homeland Security. Our client list includes but is not limited to the following:
US and Non-US Financial Institutions/financial Services Companies
- Securities broker-dealers
- Banks
- Investment banks
- Insurers and reinsurers
- Mutual and hedge funds
- Private and public equity
US and Non-US Corporations and Businesses
- Multinational corporations (global sources)
- Oil companies
- Aerospace companies
- Importers / exporters
- Transportation concerns (airlines, shipping companies)
- Telecommunications and IT companies
- Investors
- Shipowners
- Oil and other commodity traders
- Sovereigns / governments
- International organizations
- Educational institutions
- Law firms
- Individuals